lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009


What is a ghetto?

ghetto (get′ō)
noun pl. ghettos -·tos or ghettoes -·toes

1 in certain European cities, a section to which Jews were formerly restricted

2 any section of a city in which many members of some minority group live, or to which they are restricted as by economic pressure or social discrimination

Etymology: It, lit., foundry (<>

What is a concentration camp?

a prison camp in which political dissidents, members of minority ethnic groups, etc. are confined

Which is the difference between a concentration camp and an extermination camp?

That in a concentration camp they prisoners of war are confined under very ugly conditions and they make them believe that the hard they work they will quickly get out of there but tha was no true; and in the extermination camp they only kill millions jewish victims, his function was the genocide. In the early years of the Holocaust, the Jews were primarily sent to concentration camps, but from 1942 onward they were mostly deported to the extermination camps.

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