lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

Lyrics (Song Man in the mirror)



-Why is it linked to the images?

It is linked because the song talks about that many people in the world are suffering a lot beacause of poornees, hungry, lack of water and other things and many people is enjoying of a lot food that sometimes we waste, we spent money in thing that we don´t need that other people need to survive everyday and we waste the water not knowing that many people need it, that in few years it will run out and if don´t run out will cost a lot. But we have began with us for making a change....we can not give water to others if in our houses we waste them. And the images are linked because those people are the example that they lack of many things we waste and the people who appear are persons that always look for the benefit for everybody...but beginning by himself/herself.

-How could you classify this video? why?

A video promoting the change for each person in the world so that we can help others by changing our attitudes.

-Why does the singer have to do with the people who appear there?

Showing people that need help; other historical people that represent important changes in our world that help peole who need it like mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Ghandi etc...

1 comentario:

  1. Congratulations Fannie! You homeworks and your blog are really good, and you are demonstrating that things can be done if you have the will to do them. I really liked the way you illustrated your homework. Keep on working like that. M.Jennie Riveroll
