martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009

The witness for the prosecution

The witness for the prosecution

1. If you were a film r stage play producer what actors/actresses would you choose to play the role of the main characters? Support your answer.

*In Mr. Mayherne I will put Christopher Meloni (Detective Elliot Stabler in Law and Order) because as I saw him in the program Law & Order Special Victims I think it has a good intuition to get to the right answer as a lawyer and I think it could be the perfect one for the film.

*In the case of Leonard Vole I will put Dannis Quaid (actor of the parent trap) because is a handsome men and I think it will fit exactly in that character.

*For Emily French I will put Marva Kulp (actress also of the parent trap) because she has the perfect appearance of and old woman sweet and rich. (i didn´t found and image)

*And for Romaine I am between Cameron Diaz or Elaine Hendrix because Elaine has more the sexy style of Romaine but Cameron Diaz may do better the character o the old woman …. Maybe I will use both…they have similarities.

2. Which are the main differences between the film and the book? Which one has more suspense?

That in the book is more detailed all the steps, things and characters, always in books are better narrated but in the film you can see how was each character and you can see better all the reactions they have.

3. Do you think this case could be solved easily in our time? Why or why not?

Well I think this case would not be solve in this time, because now a days the police don’t investigate so far so you can get the letters of Romaine or excellent disguises that makes you another person. The will put Leonard in jail and they will not really investigate so far. Also when the judge know he true they will automatically put Romaine in jail, they will not leave her free.

4. Is a blood test enough to proof to determine a person innocence or guilt? explain briefly

Obviously not because everybody can do that to said “I am not guilty” also when they swear to tell only the true a lot persons don’t do it so that is not a solution.

5. Which is an undeniable evidence to determine a person’s identity? Support your answer.

The appearance characteristics because you distinguished of others and you recognize it.

6. If not for Romaine’s testimony do you consider this a perfect crime? Support your answer.

Yes because not everybody planned all the things they would tell, all was perfectly structure and they know the reactions of the justice and all the things they would, if they will not know that they will never do anything.

7. Which was your favorite scene? Which was your favorite character? Explain briefly your preference.

My favorite scene was when the lawyer read to Romaine all the letters and she get shocked.

My favorite character also was Romaine because all the things that make for him and at the end she loves other woman.

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